2025 Player Evaluation Dates & Times


2025 Player Evaluation and Times 

Please links below for each age divisions hitting and fielding evaluations

Feb 21 - 15U Hitting and Fielding Evaluations

Feb 21- 18U Hitting and Fielding Evaluations

Feb 22 - 13U Hitting and Fielding Evaluations

Feb 22- 11U Hitting and Fielding Evaluations

Please note that this is different than previous years, ALL EVALUATION COMPONENTS WILL BE COMPLETED AT ONE TIME (not separate hitting and fielding times), with the exception of pitching/catching (see below)


ALL EVALUATIONS WILL BE HELD AT THE RBI BASEBALL FACILITY, located along service road parallel to highway #1 West of White City.

Please arrive 15 minutes before scheduled time to register at the front door of RBI. 

There will be a Bronco representative there to check players in. 

Player equipment required for fielding and hitting evaluations:

  1. T-shirt, hat, indoor shoes (turf or runners), glove, shorts or baseball pants, protective cup
  2. Helmet, composite bat for 11U/13U, Wood bat for 15U/18U
  3. There is a number listed beside each player’s name.  Wear a dark colored shirt and use white tape to display this number on the front of your shirt


Pitching & Catching  

Pitcher and catcher evaluations will take place on March 1 at RBI.

Please email your division director by Friday February 21 at 5:00 pm if your player would like to evaluate for pitcher and/or catcher.   

Evaluating for these positions is optional so players will not be penalized if they do not evaluate for these positions


Please contact your Division Directors if you have any questions or concerns.

Rob Newman- 11U@whitebutteminorball.ca

Todd Boreen- 13@whitebutteminorball.ca

Sean Taylor- 15u@whitebutteminorball.ca

Chris Soos- 18u@whitebutteminorball.ca



White Butte Minor Ball 


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