Diamond Locations


1. Balgonie Sportsgrounds:

Diamonds- located North on Highway 364 just over the railway tracks.

Diamond-1,3 and 4- Softball diamonds

Diamond 2- 18U Baseball Diamond



2. Balgonie- QuAppelle St -Mini Diamond- located at the intersection of QuAppelle and Hyde St 

updated QuAppelle

3. Balgonie High School(Lewis St)

Balgonie High


4. Balgonie Elementary School- Located behind the school on QuAppelle St


updated Elementary

Pilot Butte:

1. Inland Park- Diamonds 1-4 and Mini Green Space Diamond

Diamond 1- 11U Baseball Diamond - located directly east of Pilot Butte Rink

Diamond 2- 13U Baseball Diamond - 2nd diamond east of Pilot Butte(lights diamond)

Diamond 3- Softball Diamond- located off of Butte St and across from Soccer Field

Diamond 4- Softball- located south of Diamond 1

 Mini Green Space Diamond- Rally Cap/U7 Softball -located off of Butte St beside diamond 4 and across from Soccer Field.

pilot butte

 2. Pilot Butte Elementary School- diamond is located behind the school 

Pilot Butte

White City/Emerald Park 

1. Serbu Park Diamonds- 1-3 - located at the intersection of Gregory Ave and Highway 48

Serbu 1- 15U Baseball Diamond(lights diamond)

Serbu 2- Practice Diamond for Baseball and Softball

Serbu 3- Diamond for 11U Baseball & 9U/11U Softball



2. Ridgedale Park Mini Diamond- located behind the houses on Ridgedale Bay 



3. Federal Mini Diamond- located at the intersection of Federal Drive and Confederation Dr




4. Ecole White City School-  diamond is located beside the school on Kingsmere Ave

 white city school


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